Blood and gold the making of spain book

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blood and gold the making of spain book

BBC Four - Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore

Skip to main content. Simon Sebag Montefiore. Something went wrong. Please try your request again later. Simon Sebag Montefiore is the internationally bestselling author of prize-winning works of history, novels and books for children.
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Published 15.12.2018

Rome : A History of the Eternal City 2/3

In Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain , Simon Sebag Montefiore stared into the camera in slightly unnerving close-up and a big straw hat and identified in no uncertain terms the ingredients of nation building. Someone seems to have told BBC history presenters they must militantly colonise attention from the title sequence and subsequently rule it with a rod of iron.

Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore

The second instalment of this three-part series on the history of Spain from the BBC in collaboration with the Open University told a tale that is probably still relatively unfamiliar in the Anglophone world. Their own relationship was dramatic, too: the young, ambitious and highly intelligent teenage Isabella had turned down no fewer than seven aristocratic aspirants for her hand and presciently eloped with Ferdinand, a marriage one felt that its participants must have thought was made indeed in heaven. The historian Simon Sebag Montefiore , in a natty straw boater and bright blue shirt as is his wont, was our guide. He has a deep personal interest in the period, not least as a member of a prominent Sephardic Jewish family that extends back centuries. One of the highlights was his discovery of the fate of several ancestors who were highly placed governors in Mexico, but even so could not escape the Inquisition and were burned at the stake there. Along the way we had a visual treat, mostly supplied by the extraordinary achievements of Islamic architecture.

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Skip to main content. - This three part series, presented by Simon Sebag Montefiore, takes the viewer through more than two thousand years of Spain's history. Simon Sebag Montefiore travels to Cadiz with Spain's first invaders and visits a sacred island where the Carthaginian warrior Hannibal received the blessing of the Gods.

In the first episode "Conquest", Simon explores Spain's early years, its emergence as the battleground of empires and its golden age under the Cordoba Caliphate. He also investigates the horror of the Spanish Inquisition. And in the third and final episode "Nation", Simon explores Spain's golden age under Philip II through to the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship under Franco, from which Spain has emerged as a modern democratic monarchy. Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3. Episode 1 - Conquest Simon explores Spain's early years, its emergence as the battleground of empires and its golden age under the Cordoba Caliphate. He also investigates the horror of the Spanish Inquisition and in the process discovers an unsettling story about one of his own ancestors.


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