Lulu and the brontosaurus book

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lulu and the brontosaurus book

Lulu and the Brontosaurus by Judith Viorst, Lane Smith |, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

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Published 15.12.2018

Digital Storytelling- Lulu And The Brontosaurus

It's Lulu's birthday and she's decided she'd like a pet brontosaurus as a present. But when Lulu's parents tell her that's not possible, Lulu gets veryupset. She does not like it when things don't go her way.

Lulu and the Brontosaurus

Now in paperback, an illustrated chapter book from industry legends Judith Viorst and Lane Smith! Lulu is so accustomed to getting what she wants that when her parents deny her birthday request for a brontosaurus, she throws a four-day temper tantrum and then storms off into the forest in search of the dinosaur she clearly deserves. Until she realizes that Mr. Brontosaurus thinks that she would make an ideal pet for him! How will Lulu ever get out of this sticky situation without throwing a fit Mr. B does not respond well to those , or using force Mr.

Share on:. Lulu is every parent's worst nightmare. She always, always gets what she wants, quite often by rolling around on the floor screaming until the light bulbs pop. She is, quite simply, a child in desperate need of Supernanny! For her birthday Lulu decides she would like a Brontosaurus. Her parents, for once, say no, and no amount of screaming makes them change their mind. So Lulu sets off into the forest to find a brontosaurus by herself.

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  2. Start by marking “Lulu and the Brontosaurus” as Want to Read: An illustrated chapter book from industry legends Judith Viorst and Lane Smith! "I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, gonna, get a bronto-bronto-bronto-bronto-saurus for a pet!".

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