English literature authors and their books

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english literature authors and their books

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Published 14.12.2018

Learn English Through Story - The Stranger by Norman Whitney

The 100 best novels written in English: the full list

Here at No Sweat Shakespeare we have no doubt that William Shakespeare is by far the best and probably most famous writer in English literary history. It was no easy task as there have been so many English writers over the years, and the list ends up being very subjective. So, in no particular order, here is our pick of the ten most famous English authors of all time:. Although not highly regarded either as a painter or poet by his contemporaries William Blake has the distinction of finding his place in the top ten of both English writers and English painters. Geoffrey Chaucer stands as the great giant of English poetry.

The Beowulf Poet

William Shakespeare 2. Emily Dickinson 3., One key to being a good writer is to always keep reading—and that doesn't stop after you've been published. Here are 25 authors' favorite reads.

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe By the end of the 19th century, no book in English literary history had enjoyed more editions, spin-offs and translations. Clarissa by Samuel Richardson Tom Jones by Henry Fielding Tom Jones is a classic English novel that captures the spirit of its age and whose famous characters have come to represent Augustan society in all its loquacious, turbulent, comic variety.

Discover new books on Goodreads. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Join Goodreads. Pride and Prejudice Paperback by Jane Austen. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.

5 thoughts on “25 Famous Authors' Favorite Books | Mental Floss

  1. English literature , the body of written works produced in the English language by inhabitants of the British Isles including Ireland from the 7th century to the present day.

  2. The many centuries of English history have adorned us with English with authors who have placed the country on the literary map. There have been so many.

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