Love and war hamilton book

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love and war hamilton book

Love & War: Review — Bette's Pages

Post a Comment. It is April and the War of Independence is raging. Elizabeth is living at the Pastures, her parents' estate in Albany. Eliza is impatient to move out of her parents home, wishing that she and Alex could set up their own home soon but they have been apart more than they have been together. After their marriage he had rushed back to General Washington's headquarters. Before Alex leaves to report back to duty, Eliza's family have planned a goodbye party this evening. In the back room of the Schuylkill Tavern the three men seal a munitions agreement where Church will "provide five hundred rifles, twenty barrels of powder, and two tons of shot to General Washington at Newburgh, and the Continental army will pay you one thousand pounds sterling.
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Published 09.12.2018

Anthony Hamilton & Macy Gray - Love and War

Love & War: An Alex & Eliza Story

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As the war for American independence rages on, Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler begin their new life as a married couple. But when the war unexpectedly arrives on Eliza’s doorstep, she must fight for a better future–for their fledgling country and for her marriage.
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Common Sense says

History is happening in Manhattan and we just happen to be In the greatest city in the world! For history fans and Hamilton nerds, this sequel is a must-read! Note: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for review. All opinions are my own. Albany, New York.

Thank you! As the American Revolution comes to an end, Alexander Hamilton and his bride, Eliza, forge a new life in their fledgling country. This sequel to Alex and Eliza focuses on the young couple through the early period of their marriage during the latter stages of the Revolutionary War. As Hamilton helps the war reach a successful conclusion, Eliza remains in the bosom of the Schuyler family, tending to her mother, who is enduring her latest pregnancy, counseling her older sister, Angelica, as she expects her first child, and soothing her younger sister Peggy through problems with her desired suitor. The next phase of their lives involves a move to New York City, where Hamilton begins his law practice and frets about the state of the country. Challenges for women in this period are well-depicted and add to the heart of the story.

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