Marley and me john grogan book summary

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marley and me john grogan book summary

Marley & Me by by John Grogan: Summary and reviews

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Published 12.12.2018

Marley and Me's Entire Plot

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Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog

Rate this book. Buy This Book. Is it possible for humans to discover the key to happiness through a bigger-than-life, bad-boy dog? Just ask the Grogans! John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with a perfect little house and not a care in the world. Then they brought home Marley, a wiggly yellow furball of a puppy.

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Then John grew up, met his future wife Jenny, who, by the way, also had a dog, Saint Winnie, being a child. John agreed, because both he and Jenny had had dogs before, so they knew how to look after them. So, they bought the dog and were ready to start happy and carefree life with the pet, but no such luck. The dog turned to be a copy of his father.

John Grogan holds fond memories of his childhood pet, a mutt dog named Shaun. John and his newlywed wife, Jenny, are contemplating having children and decide that a dog will be good parenting practice. The couple visits a local breeder specializing in Labrador retrievers where Jenny picks out a rambunctious, gangly puppy. Marley proves to be nothing like Shaun. He is a salivating, headstrong, damage-effecting, barreling-through-life flash of yellow fur. Marley is kicked out of obedience school and almost barred from the Grogan household, but in the end turns out to be an excellent teacher of love and loyalty.


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4 thoughts on “Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog by John Grogan

  1. The Marley and Me Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and John Grogan's novel “Marley and Me” is an autobiographical story about his.

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