Genesis and the big bang book

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genesis and the big bang book

Genesis and The Big Bang | Socrates in the City

They are two views of one reality from two vastly different perspectives. The culmination of a physicist's thirty-five-year journey from MIT to Jerusalem, Genesis and the Big Bang presents a compelling argument that the events of the billions of years that cosmologists say followed the Big Bang and those of the first six days described in Genesis are, in fact, one in the same - identical realities described in vastly different terms. In engaging, accessible language, Dr. Schroeder reconciles the observable facts of science with the very essence of Western Religion: the biblical account of Creation. Carefully reviewing and interpreting accepted scientific principles, analogous passages of Scripture, and biblical scholarship, Dr.
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Published 12.12.2018

Creation, Genesis and Origins #2 Genesis One and the Big Bang

About the Book

I enjoyed this read, mostly because the science talk was so delicious. The only problem is that in my heart of hearts, I don't believe there IS harmony between science and the bible. They are two The author, who is both a physicist and a Jewish bible scholar, argues that the six-day creation story is not at odds with modern science. The book was recommended to me by a very religious friend

In this groundbreaking book, physicist Gerald Schroeder takes on skeptics from both sides of the cosmological debate, arguing that science and the Bible are not at odds concerning the origin of the universe. In addition to his current work in radiation control, he teaches at Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies, and writes and lectures on the extraordinary confluence of modern science and ancient biblical commentary. For over twenty-five years, Schroeder has also pursued a study of ancient biblical interpretation. An ability to handle the biblical material in the original languages allows him to tap the subtle depths contained in the original texts. These nuances are often missed when working with translations.

A ground-breaking book that takes on skeptics from both sides of the cosmological debate, arguing that science and the Bible are not at odds concerning the.
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