Prevention and care of athletic injuries book

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prevention and care of athletic injuries book

Sports Injury Prevention (Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science)

Edited by Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford [etc. Other documents in the same collection. This search will be saved in your account and can be rerun at any time. Subscribe to events in the category and receive news by email. Are you sure you want to delete all the items from the current selection?
File Name: prevention and care of athletic injuries
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Published 12.12.2018

Injury Prevention in Youth & Teen Sports

Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries breaks from the mold of traditional rehab books with a key insight--we can remove most of our vulnerability to injury by.

Athletic Training

Unlike its predecessors, which focused primarily on first aid, therapy, and the treatment of injuries while putting little emphasis on injury prevention, the emphasis of Prevention and Care of Injuries is on the procedures, concepts, and awareness that result in healthy athletes who are not likely to be injury prone. Sections on psychology, lifestyle, and cutting-edge sports nutrition combine to promote peak performance. While covering all the bases and basics of injury management and protective gear, Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries is unique in its comprehensiveness and the modernized use of kinesiology and other sports sciences in order to support safe, high-level performances from active people of all ages. The Cause Of Health: Dr. Follow Us:. Click images below to enlarge. The chapter on nutrition offers the optimum strategies for active individuals to maximize recovery with their food.

Identification of injuries, proper treatment after they occur, and preventative measures.
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Course Format

Knee Injury Prevention with Duke Sports Medicine

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3 thoughts on “Basic Athletic Training, 6th ed. | Sagamore Venture Publishing

  1. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of emergent, acute or chronic injuries and medical conditions.

  2. When you spend months and months practicing and honing in your skills for a sports season, you want to be sure that you are in your best condition possible when the season rolls around.

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