Smoke and mirrors book summary

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smoke and mirrors book summary

Summaries and Excerpts: Smoke and mirrors : short fictions and illusions / Neil Gaiman.

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Published 12.12.2018

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Also in the introduction a short paragraph per story, that tells us how each of them came to be, whether they were ordered for a particular publication or came to life out of nothing, or how and where they were published if ever — most of all he talks about what inspired them and it gives an amazing insight into the mind of the author — provided that he is speaking the truth of course. Smoke and mirrors remember? There are 34 short stories altogether — they can either be one page long or several. In different formats: most in prose, some in verse, one sestina. I read the book over a one month period, savouring one or two a day depending on my mood I skipped the poems as they are not really my cup of tea, though and some were better than the others or course, but quite a few were simply outstanding, about ten of them.

To renew Interlibrary Loans, please contact your local library at least one week before the due date. In Smoke and Mirrors, Gaiman's imagination and supreme artistry transform a mundane world into a place of terrible wonders where an old woman can purchase the Holy Grail at a thrift store, where assassins ad In the deft hands of Neil Gaiman, magic is no mere illusion. In Smoke and Mirrors, Gaiman's imagination and supreme artistry transform a mundane world into a place of terrible wonders--where an old woman can purchase the Holy Grail at a thrift store, where assassins advertise their services in the Yellow Pages under "Pest Control," and where a frightened young boy must barter for his life with a mean-spirited troll living beneath a bridge by the railroad tracks. Explore a new reality, obscured by smoke and darkness yet brilliantly tangible, in this extraordinary collection of short works by a master prestidigitator. It will dazzle your senses, touch your heart, and haunt your dreams. He wanted to die.

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But one thing I did was read a lot, mainly because our library in Roselle was awesome. It was a riff off the Snow White story, and yet so simple, so elegant. It was the introduction. It offered fascinating insight into how he created each story—sort of like reading linear notes. And what was extra cool was that he actually put a story in the introduction. It was like a bonus buy-one-get-one-free.

She lives with her husband and families of her two sons and two daughters in Southwest Louisiana. She enjoys reading novels of the suspense and romance genre, and that is why all her books are of the same genre. The chief protagonist is Abby Monroe, who is struggling to protect her family and finding justice from a ruthless group of criminals. She is out seeking Graeme Tucker, the only man she can trust in her life-threatening situation. However, she is not fully ready to meet Graeme due to her past experiences with him. Graeme Tucker, on the other hand, has seen death up close, which is the reason why he has made some drastic changes in his life.

2 thoughts on “Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fiction and Illusions by Neil Gaiman

  1. Write a review. In the deft hands of Neil Gaiman, magic is no mere illusion and anything is possible. In this, Gaiman's first book of short stories, his imagination.

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