Sugar book white and deadly

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sugar book white and deadly

Pure, White, and Deadly by John Yudkin: | Books

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Published 09.12.2018

Sugar (Pure , White & Deadly )

Pure, White and Deadly is a book by John Yudkin, a British nutritionist and former Chair of in the last paragraph of the first chapter: "I hope that when you have read this book I shall have convinced you that sugar is really dangerous.".

John Yudkin: the man who tried to warn us about sugar

The book and author suffered a barrage of criticism at the time, particularly from the sugar industry , processed-food manufacturers, and Ancel Keys , an American physiologist who argued in favour of restricting dietary fat, not sugar, and who sought to ridicule Yudkin's work. Two further editions of the book were published, the second after Yudkin's death in An expanded version appeared in , revised by Yudkin himself, to include much additional research evidence. In the book was re-published by Penguin Books with a new introduction by Robert Lustig to reflect the changed nutritional context that the book had helped to create. The book was first published in in New York by the publisher Peter H.

Bestselling Series

A couple of years ago, an out-of-print book published in by a long-dead British professor suddenly became a collector's item. Copies that had been lying dusty on bookshelves were selling for hundreds of pounds, while copies were also being pirated online.

The 'Carmen Project' began in , with the construction of several full scale mock-up supermarkets in five different countries. In laboratories in Denmark, Holland, Britain, Spain and Germany, scientists painstakingly recreated the exact atmosphere of supermarkets, using indigenous retail designers, and indigenous products. Advertising free food in exchange for participation in the experiment, they soon had slightly overweight people plying trolleys up ersatz aisles, making very real decisions about what they were going to eat that night. What the bureau was out to prove is that 'white death', as sugar has been dubbed by its vocal opponents, has acquired an entirely unwarranted image as a health risk. And their view is, somewhat surprisingly given sugar's bad press over recent years, not without official support. The case against sugar started with a book.


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