Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance book club questions

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zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance book club questions

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Topics for Discussion

For only the second time ever, I went to my book club meeting without having finished the book. The book talks a lot about dialogue and another form of that is a dichotomy. The book was built around dichotomies. Robert and John are the first and most apparent. The way they view their motorcycles, through classic and romantic reasoning, set up the rest of the book. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was another dichotomy that permeated the rest of the book.
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Published 12.12.2018

Robert M. Pirsig: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Book Summary

Reading Group Guide

Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides. Life Imitates Art. Bob and Gennie DeWeese, mentioned in the book as friends of Phaedrus and the narrator from Bozeman, are real historical figures. The DeWeeses have received many visits from diehard Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance fans, eager to make a pilgrimage to a site mentioned in the book. Anchors Away.

Answered Questions (10)

The book's title suggests that Zen and motorcycle maintenance are connected in important ways. Identify and discuss two important connections between these categories. The Narrator asserts that peace of mind is a prerequisite for producing anything of Quality. By the middle of the book, readers understand that Phaedrus is the Narrator's name for himself before he underwent Annihilation ECS. Identify two ways that the Narrator and Phaedrus are alike and two ways in which they differ. By book's end, the Narrator seems to reclaim something of his identity as Phaedrus.

See Featured Authors Answering Questions. To ask other readers questions about Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance , please sign up. Answered Questions Where is the quote The only zen you will find on the top of the mountain is the zen is you take with you? Simon Nikolas Page in the HarperPerennial edition.

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