Crown and flame book 2

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crown and flame book 2

Who to Marry in The Crown and the Flame? : Choices

Endless Summer - MC can be a guy or a girl. Pretty gay, but the female lis are not treated as well as the male ones, also there are a lot of straight couples and the fact that Pirate Queen Yvonne ends up with a man? High School Story - MC can be a guy or a girl. It Lives in the Woods - MC can be a guy or a girl. Perfect Match - MC can be a guy or a girl. A beautiful array of lis to choose from and they can all be yours because PB said Polyamory Rights!
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Published 11.12.2018

Choices:- The Crown and The Flame Book 2 Chapter #13 (Diamonds used)

[END]Choice : The Crown & The Flame Book Two Walkthrough

Choices is a collection of visual story games that span many genres including romance, fantasy, science fiction, horror, and more! Want user flair? Please check out our tutorial on setting your own user flair. Click here to see a timeline of all Choices books. Click here to see our megathread surrounding MC gender choices. Do not insult other users or characters for their ethnicity, sexuality, race or even their choices.

In the second chapter, if you use the 20 diamonds for Dom an Kenna to have some time alone, you gain 5 armor! Just wanted you to know :. Please can you update, not rushing u or anything but I have been waiting a while for you to update so I can play, thanks for your previous help in the game! Thank you for support me. I'm sorry to update so long. I don't know it update until Chapter 9 related. In chapter 8 I had 2 different choices to make, there was no flirting with guards option for me.

For Prestige in chapter 3 the choice of finding work or seeing the shipyards; I received prestige for saying finding work, not seeing the ship yards. Cant u tell it? Finding works is for kenna in disguise If she said seeing ship it means she is in noble suit.. It really is useful haha!

This walkthrough is made to assist others in helping them make their right choice for the game. Good luck and happy playing! Choices that have no outcome on the side have not been explored yet, please help this page by contributing those answers!
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Kenna and Dom are out to liberate the rest of the Five Kingdoms! Can Kenna form the alliances she needs to defeat her enemies once and for all? Meanwhile, Dom's powers are growing stronger, but will he be able to stay in control? Get ready for epic battles, new weapons Kenna's plan to liberate the four remaining kingdoms begins with an epic battle at the Thorngate Castle

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