What is the book catcher and the rye about

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what is the book catcher and the rye about

The Catcher in the Rye | Summary, Analysis, Reception, & Facts | ninciclopedia.org

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Published 09.12.2018

Some Thoughts on The Catcher in the Rye

From everyteen to annoying: are today's young readers turning on The Catcher in the Rye?

The first reference in the text to "catcher in the rye" is in Chapter Holden overhears:. The episode makes him feel less depressed. But why? Is it his realization that the child is innocent—somehow pure, not "phony" like his parents and other adults? Then, in Chapter 22, Holden tells Phoebe :. Holden's interpretation of the poem centers around the loss of innocence adults and society corrupt and ruin children , and his instinctual desire to protect children his sister in particular.

Angst is universal, but the content of it is particular. In my limited network of young people, Catcher is not only no longer beloved, it has become something even more tragic: uncool. After all, this is partly why I wrote my coming-of-age novel The Falconer, told from the perspective of a young woman in early s New York. Maybe hating on Holden has turned into its own form of adolescent rebellion. Catcher was an incendiary novel when it was first published and was banned from many school districts. The idea that he could wander through New York for a couple of days, unaccounted for, without any contact from an adult in his life must seem completely foreign to kids today, who are kept on tight leashes.

Holden Caulfield, the sixteen-year-old protagonist of J. One of the tests to which he puts the books he reads is whether he feels like calling the author up. He is excited about a book by Isak Dinesen and feels like calling her up. He would like to call up Ring Lardner, but an older brother has told him Lardner is dead. He would like to call up Thomas Hardy, because he has a nice feeling about Eustacia Vye.

The Catcher in the Rye is a story by J. Salinger , partially published in serial form in — and as a novel in The novel was included on Time Magazine's list of the best English-language novels written since , [9] and it was named by Modern Library and its readers as one of the best English-language novels of the 20th century.
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The novel is said to have popularised the term "screw up", as in "Boy, it really screws up my sex life something awful. My sex life stinks. Salinger spent a lot of time refusing requests to adapt the novel.

The Catcher in the Rye is set around the s and is narrated by a young man named Holden Caulfield. The events he narrates take place in the few days between the end of the fall school term and Christmas, when Holden is sixteen years old. At Pencey, he has failed four out of five of his classes and has received notice that he is being expelled, but he is not scheduled to return home to Manhattan until Wednesday. He visits his elderly history teacher, Spencer, to say goodbye, but when Spencer tries to reprimand him for his poor academic performance, Holden becomes annoyed. Back in the dormitory, Holden is further irritated by his unhygienic neighbor, Ackley, and by his own roommate, Stradlater. Stradlater spends the evening on a date with Jane Gallagher, a girl whom Holden used to date and whom he still admires. Stradlater teases Holden, who flies into a rage and attacks Stradlater.



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