Miss abbott and the doctor book

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miss abbott and the doctor book

Miss Abbott and the Doctor by Maripaz Villar

Or Second Son. Or First Light. The PDF will be sent when the story is finished. Dark blue cover, plain jounal. Skip navigation. Select a membership level. Also you get the PDF with the whole story.
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Published 11.12.2018

Super Secret fandub: Episode 1

Maripaz Villar

Webcomics come in all shapes and sizes. Their relationship begins with them being barely civil adversaries. As the series progresses, however, we see that Andreas is not as humorless as he may seem and the former adversaries embark on a swoon-worthy romance. In one, Cati rescues Andreas when he falls into a series of caves beneath the town. The storylines are compelling, the characters endearing, and the adventures amusing. Certainly not something you would expect in a Victorian setting. Read more here!

Doctor Andreas Marino loves his quiet life, filled with work and simple amusements, and when the strange Miss Abbott arrives in his town he decides he doesn't like her at all. Unfortunatelly she's funny and quirky, has an uncommon past and seems to enjoy getting him in trouble. Welcome to a sketchy Victorian rom-com! Maripaz likes to proclaim that she has a major in History specialized in Medieval studies , but she actually spent the whole time drawing in class. In her coat of arms: "Comics, Videogames, Mozzarella sticks". Enjoy weboons with official translations and fan translations!

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My name is Maripaz (Mari if you prefer) and I'm a freelance comic book I'll draw any character of your choice just for you (from "Miss Abbott and the doctor").
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4 thoughts on “Maripaz Villar is creating Miss Abbott and the doctor! | Patreon

  1. Miss Abbott and the Doctor book. Read 32 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Doctor Andreas Marino loves his quiet life, filled with.

  2. Read 4 more new episodes on the app! Scan the QR code to download the WEBTOON app on the App Store or Google Play. QR Code. Ep. - WWAMD Oct 4.

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