Clean and lean diet book review

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clean and lean diet book review

Clean and Lean: 30 Days, 30 Foods, a New You! by Ian K. Smith

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Published 19.12.2018

Clean and lean diet book win and 14 day challenge

The clean and lean diet

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Losing weight can be simple—get back to basics on your plate, harness the power of intermittent fasting for quick results, save time and money, and train your body to move, and the excess pounds will slip away. I have always professed that understanding nutrition and successful weight loss is a lifelong process. I continue to believe that. This is especially the case when trying to create programs that are doable, effective, Praise for The Clean 20 : "A simple plan to help regular folks—rather than the extreme dieters among us—shed excess weight and live with a little more energy

With the Clean and Lean Diet! Created by personal trainer James Duigan, the Clean and Lean Diet works on the principle that your body wants to be lean and fit, not sluggish and round, as that is its natural state. He says the body does not cling onto fat, as many people believe. It is only when you eat processed foods and drinks and your body becomes full of toxins that fat sticks. That is because the fat clings to the toxins, causing fat to develop on the hips, thighs, bum and tummy. Dieting is a waste of time, according to James, who says that they only work short term.

5 thoughts on “The clean and lean diet | woman&home

  1. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Clean & Lean Diet: 14 Days to Your Best-ever Body with foreword by Elle Macpherson at

  2. Buy Clean & Lean Diet: The Bestselling Book on Achieving Your Perfect Body Review. 'All of the recipes from celebrity fitness guru James Duigan's new.

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