Pros and cons of banning books

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Banned Books: It's a Good Idea - School Guide - The Stranger

A book, as a good friend and a highly respected professor of mine once said, can be something to bury your nose in, or it can be something in which to slam someone else's nose. Now then! A few rules of behavior are in order for the library. While browsing in the library, it is acceptable to A clear your throat; it is not acceptable to B spit into the wastebaskets. You should also prevent its proximity to your dirty, nasty little pets or siblings at home. Also, books are not meant for your squalid private sexual fantasies. Onward and upward, then, to books that you should either avoid or seek out!
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Published 19.12.2018

The Pros and cons of a TBR Shelf/Tour 2015!!

We need to be cognizant of what we expose ourselves and our children to.

16 Major Pros and Cons of Banning Books in Schools

It upsets the writers what wrote the books. It makes the books cry and books are very sensitive. If the content of a book offends you there are more effective ways to deal with your offendedness. Like, you know, engaging with it. Besides banning books does not make them go away. Just ask Chris Crutcher. Banned books have a way of being passed around mightily and promoted during banned book week and gaining a whole other life they might not otherwise have had.

Banning books is one of the most common forms of censorship that exists in the world today. Banned Books Week began in to highlight the issues that surround this issue. Since the start of this event, there have been over 11, different titles challenged. Public libraries, universities, K schools, and businesses all over the country see attempts to ban books frequently. The National Coalition Against Censorship reports that there is at least one attempt per week to create censorship over a specific title. The subject matter that gets targeted with the banning process ranges from classics to contemporary best-sellers. Most challenges never result in a ban because students, families, teachers, and librarians take a stand against the censorship.


Banning books is one of the most common forms of censorship that exists in the world today. Banned Books Week began in to highlight.
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5 thoughts on “Why Banning Books is a Bad Idea | Diary of a Word Nerd

  1. Return to the isle of the lost a descendants novel what does the book of esther teach us

  2. The great debate in terms of the legalities and limitations of censorship are viewed from different angles in different parts of the world.

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