Romeo and juliet modern english book

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romeo and juliet modern english book

No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Prologue

The Shakescleare version of Romeo and Juliet contains the complete original play alongisde a line-by-line modern English translation. Now you can easily understand even the most complex and archaic words and phrases word spoken by Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Friar Laurence, the Nurse, Tybalt, and all the Capulets and Montagues, throughout the entire play, including famous quotes like "Wherefore art thou Romeo? Ben is a co-founder of LitCharts. He holds a BA in English Literature from Harvard University, where as an undergraduate he won the Winthrop Sargent prize for best undergraduate paper on a topic related to Shakespeare. Sign In Sign Up.
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Published 18.12.2018

Romeo and Juliet Audiobook by William Shakespeare

CHORUS CHORUS Two households, both alike in dignity In the beautiful city of Verona, where our story In fair Verona, where we lay our scene , takes place, a long-standing hatred between two From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, families erupts into new violence, and citizens Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. Two unlucky children of these enemy A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, families become lovers and commit suicide. Their Whose misadventured piteous overthrows unfortunate deaths put an end to their parents' Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.

Romeo and Juliet - Full Text - Plain English and Original

Capulet welcomes his guests to the party. Romeo quickly spots Juliet and is captivated. At the same time, Tybalt spots Romeo and recognizes him as a Montague. He points him out to Capulet, who tells Tybalt to let it go—tonight is not the night for fighting. Romeo, meanwhile, woos Juliet, and the two share a kiss. After they part, Romeo finds out from her nurse that Juliet is a Capulet, and Juliet later finds out that Romeo is a Montague.

All rights reserved. Sampson says he won't take any sass from the Montagues. In fact Meanwhile, Lord Capulet is hanging out with County a. Count Paris, Verona's 1 most Eligible Bachelor. Capulet says something like "I'm getting too old for this whole family feud thing and so Lady Capulet asks Juliet's nurse who just gets called "Nurse" through the whole thing to call in Juliet and leave them alone to chat.

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Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English. Home William Shakespeare Biography. SwipeSpeare SwipeBook. A Yorkshire Tragedy. Julius Caesar Study Guide. Romeo and Juliet is one of the greatest plays ever written--but let's face it..


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